Sunday, July 25, 2010


 it was vacant many years ago

In my Saturday's Business Times, 4 REITs' results were reported. May I summarise the results for quarter ended June 30, 2010 as follows:-

1. CapitaRetail China Trust (CRCT)
Gross revenue - $29.6m (-2.8% compared to Q2 last year)
Net property income - $19.8m
Distribution per unit (DPU) - 2.07cents
Share price - $1.26 (as of Friday's closing)

2. Ascott REIT
Gross revenue - $44.4m (+3% compared to Q2 last year)
Net property income - $11.6m ($11 in Q2 last year)
Distribution per unit (DPU) - 1.87cents (1.79cents in Q2 2009)
Share price - $1.23 (as of Friday's closing)

3. Frasers Centrepoint Trust (FCT)
Gross revenue - $30.7m (+45%)
Net property income - $16.3m (+35% compared to similar quarter last year)
Distribution per unit (DPU) - 2.07cents (1.97cents in similar quarter last year)
Share price - $1.39 (as of Friday's closing)

4. Ascendas India Trust (a-iTrust)
Gross revenue - $30.9m (+4% on year on year basis)
Net property income - $18.9m (+3% on year on year basis)
Distribution per unit (DPU) - 1.66cents (-19% compared to similar quarter last year)
Share price - $0.995 (as of July 22's closing)

P/S - Usual disclaimer apply.

Monday, July 12, 2010

An interesting remark on HK property

Andy Xie, an independent economist said on CNBC today, "HK property is actually more risky than China."

Bernard Lo of CNBC was taken aback and he queried why it is so.

Andy said property owners in Hong Kong, who are hanging on to their property, are hoping for some stupid and wealthy mainlanders to come and pay them millions of dollars for their CONCRETE BOXes.

I am wondering whether the same phenomenon is also happening in Singapore.