Thursday, May 17, 2007

STI ETF 100 - huh?????

On Apr 24, 2007, I bought my first lot of 100 shares of STI ETF 100 @$33.25.

Based on my memory, the market had experienced a correction of more than 100 points the day before. I took the opportunity to try out a new investment type ie an ETF.

As of May 18, 2007, the last traded price was $35.29. A $2 appreciation in less than a month. Good decision on the timing but not on the amount invested.

So what is an ETF?
ETF is an exchange-traded fund. For STI ETF, it invests in the component stocks of Straits Times Index according to the respective weightage.

What are the advantages?
  • It allows me to participate in the equity market at theoretically lower risk.
  • It spares me the need to comb through piles of brokers' recommendation.
  • It allows me to participate in the growth of a group of 50 companies representative of the Singapore economy.
  • My fortune is thus not tied to the fate and turbulence of a single company. Many of these companies are the bluest of the bluest chips counters.
  • I will receive dividends on dividends received from these companies.
  • Any fees payable to the fund manager? Nil. I only pay for the commission and fees as per buying and selling shares on the exchange. Thus in terms of costs against fund-manager-managed funds, ETF is definitely cheaper.
Are there any disadvantages?
  • I might experience liquidity issue ie. there could be occassions where there are no buyers or sellers at prevailing price. But in recent weeks, I must say liquidity has improved. Not sure whether it was due to a letter written about the higher volume done on ST index in overseas exchanges.
  • While I may have diversified away company-specific risks, I am still exposed to country-specific risk for STI ETF.

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